Friday, December 02, 2005


Wow, If I had one of those <-- I'd be great. I am feeling like poo today and I am freezing. Everyone in the office is all purkey and wearing regular shirts, and me I'm all bundled up with my pullover because I'm so cold. (I have the chills), I really hope they let us go home at like 4:00pm today, that would be so nice. I am going to see if I can find a hot tub on E-Bay or something, I don't care if it's used (it'll be cheaper that way), I want one. It would be so relaxing esp. when you are feeling under the weather. Only 23 more days till Christmas. I now have my brothers gift, my dads gift, and I am getting my moms gift in a few days (gotta get some money first). I think they will all love their gifts. My mom has picked up my brothers and dads gift and she told me that she won't pick up her own gift :) hehe. THANKS MOMMIE..... I always love that part of christmas, I always can't wait for my family to open my gifts that I got them. I have a hard time keeping it from them, so the closer I buy my gifts to christmas the easier it is for me to keep it a secret. Or if I buy them really early and I just totally forget about them... hehe ... Next christmas will be a lot of fun, and i'll explain that one later :o) .... I hope I start to feel better by this weekend because I have a couple of plans (nothing to fun) just stuff I have to do, and I need to feel better so that I can do them. Okay I guess thats all for today CHOW FOR NOW :)


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